Written by:.JBJ
Checked by: AC
Document Number: Premier MX Inst Rev: 2
Page 16 of 44
WARNING: Only clean the battery case with a cloth that has been soaked or
dampened with distilled water. Do not use organic solvents (such as
petrol, paint thinner, benzene or mineral spirits) or other materials that
can substantially weaken the case. Do not use a dry cloth as this will
generate static electricity, which in turn may lead to an explosion.
WARNING: Avoid operating temperatures outside the range of -15
F to
+50°C/122°F for float/standby applications.
The recommended normal operating temperature is 20°C.
HIGH TEMPERATURE will reduce battery service life. In extreme cases
this can cause Thermal Runaway, resulting in high oxygen/hydrogen gas
production and battery swelling. Batteries are irrecoverable from this
condition and should be replaced.
LOW TEMPERATURE will prolong battery life but reduce output
DANGER: Do not incinerate batteries. If placed in a fire, the batteries may rupture,
with the potential to release hazardous gases and electrolyte. VRLA
batteries contain substances harmful to the environment.
Exhausted batteries must be recycled. Return them to the battery
manufacturer or take them to your Council waste disposal site for
appropriate disposal.
The volt-free relay contacts provided within the panel must not be used to
directly switch any voltage that exceeds 50VAC or 75VDC. (Please also refer
to relay rating data).
This equipment requires a 230V AC supply. All installation work
should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of
BS5839 Part 1 and the current edition of the IEE regulations by
suitably qualified and trained personnel.