Light the performance as usual, timing the
lighting changes to the music on the other
MIDI channels. It is not necessary to follow
the actors, dancers etc as they should also
follow the music.
At the end of the performance stop the
recording. Set the Mode Switch to MIDI setup
in and check that
is set to the same
channel as the sequencer. Connect the MIDI
out of the sequencer to the MIDI in of the
XLS. Dicconnect the XLS MIDI out.
10 Replay the MIDI as recorded by the
sequencer. The XLS will replay the
performance as originally played
11 While the MIDI is controlling the desk, the
normal front panel controls work. Do not
change the Mode switch.
12 Some sequencers give the ability to edit the
recording, so that output changes can be
made to happen exactly on the musical note.
13 Once perfected the performance can be
repeated, time after time. There is no need to
keep the Memory card dump of the XLS or
the memories programmed into the XLS
unless you play along with the MIDI playback
or you need to re-record the Performance.
Depending on the sequencer software being used, whether
MIDI musical instruments are being recorded at the same time
or using pre-recorded MIDI music tracks, it may be necessary
to record all MIDI channels at once or record on the MIDI
lighting channel while playing the rest. Ability and methods of
editing and modifing the recording will differ between
It is possible to record on a sequencer the data sent between
Linked desks. Replaying this data will also replay the show.
However you will need to keep the desks programmed. It will
not normally be possible to edit the recording in the sequencer.
Response to MIDI Received
Keyboards have 12 notes per octave therefore
the 24 preset C faders can be controlled by two
For basic MIDI controls:
is set to ‘—’. With a keyboard of more than
two octaves the note numbers sent by the extra
octaves are mapped onto the XLS in
corresponding positions, If the XLS note number
is set to 60 then middle C will drive fader one
of page one preset C and channel one will come
on. The first note on a 4 octave keyboard usually
sends note number 36, 6 octave sends 24 and 8
octave sends 12. Set
so that the first note on
your key board drives the first XLS output channel.
With Shift and Colour Note Number set to ‘—’ and
note number set to any thing but ‘—’ the C Preset
Page 0 will be controlled by the two octaves, from
the note number, up. Any other note numbers will
have no effect, unless a second XLS has been
set-up to be controlled from the other octaves.
Colour note number
defines which note
number drives Auxiliary Memory 1. If
are both set to 1 then Channel and Auxiliary
memory 1 will both be driven. The crossfade
speed for the Aux Memories is set by the Fade
Time control on the front panel.
The XLS has 54 Auxiliary memories, so to control
all of them a 4.5 octave keyboard is needed. To
control the 24 channels and the 54 Auxiliary
memories a 6.5 octave keyboard is needed.
If shift is set to ‘up or ‘dn’ then playing only the
white notes will drive successive preset C faders
or Auxiliary memories. The Black notes will drive
the same fader or Aux memory as the next or
pervious white note respectively. That is 3.5
octaves for presets and 8 octaves for Auxiliary
MIDI may be used to turn whole memories on by
using the MIDI Program Change command.
Sending a Program Change of 25 ( voice select
25 on some key boards) will cause Preset C,
page 1, fader 1, Memory Number 25 (see table 3
page 31) to be on the channel outputs. All
channels will be updated, this is called “Latest
Takes Precedence”.
The channels set by Memory Number 25 will stay
on, until one of two things happen:
1: A different Program Change is received. The
new Memory Number will take Precedence.
Program Change 00 turns all channels off.
2: If the individual channels are turned on by note
numbers the channel will go off when the note
goes off. Each channel turned on by the memory
number will need to be turned off individually.
When the output scene has been set by a
Program change then any individual note
numbers received will add channels in on a
highest wins basis.
If your key board has velocity sensitive keys the
harder the key is pressed the brighter the channel
output, the softer the dimmer the outputs will be.
When a Program Change causes a Memory
Number to output, It is output to the level
recorded into the memory.
If driven from a sequencer, it is easy to create
effects and sequences by simply sending the
appropriate Program Change to select Memory
Numbers required.
Using MIDI
Page 26