Effects Section Programming
The effects section can hold nine sequential
memories, each having up to 99 steps (subject to
a combined total of 250 steps), and one audio
effect. Each sequential effect may be run
manually (with or without a Fade Time) using the
Go button and/or automatically by the four drives
available. The drives are: Bass, Varispeed, Auto
chase and Beat. In Run mode the Speed and
Attack of the sequence may be varied as required.
The audio effect consists of four programmable
scenes, the intensity of each scene being
modulated by a sound frequency band filtered
from the Audio input.
Effects Programming
An effect is a set of up to 99 level memories, each
of which is called a step. Thus any number of
channels, at any level, may be recorded as one
step. Steps are usually programmed using
Preset A .
The effects section has 3 parts, Programming
module and two playback modules. In Program
Mode, playback 2 does not function and playback
1 is locked “Live” to the Program module.
Audio Effect Programming
The audio effect is a set of four audio memories.
There are two types of audio effect available:
Sound to Light or Ripple sound.
For Sound to Light, the overall output level of
each audio memory in the set is modulated
according to the sound level in four harmonic
bands (Bass, Low Mid, High Mid, Treble).
For Ripple sound, as the sound level increases,
the level of audio memory A1 is increased to
100% first, followed by A2 being increased to
100% until at maximum sound level A4 is at
100%. This effect is very complex and
spectacular. It is worth trying with channels 1 to 6
at 100% on A1, 7 to 12 on A2 and so on. Any
number of channels at any level may be recorded
into any audio memory. The audio memories are
usually programmed using the A Preset or may
be copied from the Memory Masters.
Programming controls
SE / - :
Selects patterns. Blank , Audio, One .....Nine.
Pr and - together selects pattern one.
Sets individual channel levels for programming.
Records all Output levels at once as an effects memory.
Advances step number or audio memory number for
Deletes displayed step number from sequence.
Steps through a stopped effect sequence; in Program,
cycles through the audio memory to be programmed.
Enables previewing and programming of the effects.
In Program Mode they have no effect.
In Run Mode shows on the preview lights those steps
running in the associated Effects Master and which
Drive, Attack modifiers are being used.
Effects Section Programming
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