MINiBOX 45 v2/MINiBOX 25 v2
Technical Support:
Figure 7.
Configuration of the scene temporisation
Therefore, parameter “
Scene m. Z Delay
” [
…3600 [
] / 0…1440 [min] / 0…24 [h]
defines the delay that will be applied to the action defined in Z for the execution of scene
m (where Z may be a specific individual output, shutter channel or fan coil module).
Note: In the configuration of a scene of an output / shutter channel / fan coil it is possible
to parameterize several scenes with the same scene number. This means that several
delay parameters associated with the same output appear in the configuration tab of the
delays of that scene. With this parameterization, the behaviour will be as follows: the
action and delay of the first scene parameterized with the same scene number will
always prevail, where the highest priority scene is 1 (the first in the scene configuration
tab) and the lowest priority is the last