Issue 01 - 11/99
Brief Description
Peak (low)
Display of the minimum oxygen measurement
since switch on, or since the last peak reset.
Available for oxygen channel only.
Peak (high)
Display of the maximum measurement since
switch-on, or since the last peak reset.
STEL measurement Display of the short term exposure calculation
(not available for oxygen channel).
LTEL measurement
Display of the time weighted average
calculation (not available for oxygen or
explosive channels).
Enable Warning
Explosive and toxic gas instantaneous first
Alarm Bleep
level (high) dual-tone alarms changed to a
single-tone warning bleep (see Section
Disable Dual Tone
As the Enable Warning Alarm Bleep but also
Alarm Bleep
with all other gas dual-tone alarms changed
to single-tone (see Section 2.15.3).
Alarm Jump
Under alarm conditions, the instrument
immediately displays the appropriate
measurement. If more than one alarm occurs,
it shows the screen with the highest priority
Alarm Cancel
Allows the alarm signal on the displayed
screen to be cancelled and other screens to
be selected (see Section 2.15.4).
Also allows the alarm to be cancelled after
conditions have reverted to safe.
Cancel All-in-Sight
Allows all alarms on the displayed screen to
be cancelled (under conditions where more
than one alarm occurs at same time).
Alarm Silence
Only the audio warning is cancelled. The
flashing legends and lights remain as a
continuing reminder of the alarm condition.