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Operating manual ZX09/20/21-Series
Networking via Ethernet
In addition to the possibility of loading a user program onto the controller, the Ethernet
interface also allows Zander controllers to be integrated into a network.
7.1.1 Modbus/TCP
All controllers of the ZX09 or ZX20/21 series can be integrated as slaves (servers) in a
Modbus/TCP network. A Modbus/TCP master (client), e.g. Zander MVisio HMI, can
use the following Modbus function codes to access the network variables declared in
the EX_PRESS 5 user program under "VAR_GLOBAL" and "VAR_EXTERNAL":
Function code 3, Read Holding Registers
Function code 6, Write Single Register
Function code 16, Write Multiple Registers
The IP addresses of the Zander controllers are set in the user program using the
reserved keywords "IP_ADR = ... ;" and "IP_MASK = ... ;" in the configuration section
immediately after the keyword "PROGRAM".
The variables declared under "VAR_EXTERNAL" may be accessed reading and
writing starting with Modbus address offset 1, the variables declared under
"VAR_GLOBAL" may only be accessed reading starting with Modbus address offset
Important information:
In the case of the ZX20TC, ZX20TP, ZX21TC and ZX21TP controllers,
downloading of the completed program into the controller is only possible
if data are not simultaneously transferred via the PROFINET or EtherCAT
With all other networking types, downloading is also possible while com-
munication is running; network communication is only interrupted during
the download process and then automatically resumed.