prompt you to do this also). The first device in the chain (closest to the computer) will become
Device 1, the next will become Device 2, and so on.
4. On the new unit, configure the peripheralid (T:66) setting of each axis in Zaber Console
with either the peripheralid setting in ASCII or the Peripheral Id setting in Binary. The
Peripheral ID for a Zaber peripheral can be found on it's label as the PID. Alternatively a full
list of Peripheral IDs can be found at: Zaber Support - Peripheral IDs. This step needs to be
performed whenever a new model of motorized peripheral is connected to the controller. If a
third-party peripheral is being driven, please contact Zaber Technical Support for assistance.
5. Connect the motorized peripherals.
6. Turn the knob to move a device. Most devices will only move in one direction until they
reach a home sensor at one limit of travel. Then they will move in both directions over full
4.2. Initialization
Every time the controller is powered up or reset, the motorized peripheral(s) should be returned to
the home position. This is achieved by sending the home (T:1) command to the individual unit or
all units. Until this is done, most devices will only allow motion in one direction, towards the
If it is not possible in your application to home the device after every power-up, see the tools
parking (T:65) command. Parking allows the device to be turned off and then used at a later time
without first having to home the axes.
4.3. Using the Device
Several commonly used ASCII commands, and their Binary equivalents, are shown below. For a
full list of available commands, please refer to the Command Reference section below.
/1 1 get pos (T:60)
Query the current position of Device #1 Axis
/1 1 move abs 10000 (T:20:10000)
Move Device #1, Axis #1 to position 10000 microsteps.
/2 1 move rel -12800 (T:21:-12800)
Move Device #2, Axis #1 in the negative direction by
12800 microsteps.
/1 stop (T:23)
Decelerate and stop ALL axes on Device 1. An axis
number of 0 or no axis number implies all axes on the
device, or the device itself.
/move vel 153600 (T:22:153600)
Move ALL devices and ALL axes in the positive direction
at the speed 153600. A device address of 0 or no device
address implies all devices in the chain.