/1 io set do 1 1
@01 0 OK IDLE – 0 /1 io set do 1 0
@01 0 OK IDLE – 0
The first command sets the first digital output, which would cause the LED in example 1 above to
glow. The second command clears the output, turning off the LED.
TTL Outputs
Additional circuitry is required to get TTL signal levels from the X-MCB2, as shown below.
The 74LS04 contains 6 inverters so it is possible to convert all of the digital outputs with one IC. In
order to maintain isolation, it is recommended that the 5V and GND supply connections come
from the device requiring the TTL signalling. It is, however, possible to use the 5V and GND
connections from the Analog Output connector on the X-MCB2 to power the external device, as
long as the current limits are adhered to.