FV2K-1XA User Guide
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
If the device appears in red, there is a network error, and network settings will need to be modified in
order to access the user interface.
(8) Click on Open Device. An internet browser window is opened in your default web browser (for best
results, Firefox or Chrome are recommended). If you need a password, the Users section will prompt to
change the default admin password. The default password is '
'. Weak passwords will not be
allowed. Enter the new admin password and click configure. The system will reboot when the new
password is submitted successfully.
(9) Upon reboot or if the default admin password has already been changed the user interface will
prompt for a username and password use 'admin' user with the password set in step (4). Once
authenticated the user interface will appear with the CH1 tab open.
Figure 7 FV2K-1XA User Interface – CH1 Tab