Spectrum Z™510 3D Printer Hardware Manual
Service Menu and Other Maintenance
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5. Check that there is no grease buildup on the Carriage as well. Check both sides of the Carriage where
the axis rails and the Carriage join.
6. When finished, close the printer top cover and place the printer back Online.
7. Press
on the
dialog in ZPrint to close the dialog.
8.9 Bleed Air
Bleed Air maintenance is performed if air bubbles are visible in the binder lines that run from the Binder
bottles to the print heads in the Carriage. Air in the binder system will prematurely expire the print heads. If
you see air bubbles in any of the binder lines, use the syringe and tubing included with the printer toolbox
to bleed the air out of the line.
The most likely time that you may find you need to bleed the binder lines is if the printer has been sitting
idle and has not been in use. If this is the case, it is recommended that you check the binder lines for air
bubbles before preceding with a print.
Visually inspect the lines where the binder bottles are stored to see if air bubbles are present.