IM WT310E-01EN
Measurement Conditions
Current Range
• When the crest factor is 3, you can select 20 A, 10 A, 5 A, 2 A, 1 A, 0.5 A, 200 mA, 100 mA, 50
mA, 20 mA, 10 mA, or 5 mA.
• When the crest factor is 6 or 6A, you can select 10 A, 5 A, 2.5 A, 1 A, 0.5 A, 0.25 A, 100 mA,
50 mA, 25 mA, 10 mA, 5 mA, or 2.5 mA.
• When the crest factor is 3, you can select 40 A, 20 A, 10 A, 5 A, 2 A, or 1 A.
• When the crest factor is 6 or 6A, you can select 20 A, 10 A, 5 A, 2.5 A, 1 A, or 0.5 A.
• When the crest factor is 3, you can select 20 A, 10 A, 5 A, 2 A, 1 A, or 0.5 A.
• When the crest factor is 6 or 6A, you can select 10 A, 5 A, 2.5 A, 1 A, 0.5 A, or 0.25 A.
When the WT310E is measuring using one of the following fixed current ranges and receives excessive input
for a given period of time, to protect the input circuit, the WT310E forcefully changes the current range to 1 A
(0.5 A if the crest factor is 6 or 6A) and switches from fixed range mode to auto range mode.
• When the crest factor is 3, you can select 200 mA, 100 mA, 50 mA, 20 mA, 10 mA, or 5 mA.
• When the crest factor is 6 or 6A, you can select 100 mA, 50 mA, 25 mA, 10 mA, 5 mA, or 2.5 mA.
Auto Range (Auto)
This instrument automatically switches the range according to the size of the input signal.
Range Increase
The range is increased when any of the following conditions is met.
• Crest factor 3
Urms or Irms exceeds 130% of the measurement range.
Upk or Ipk exceeds approximately 300% of the currently set measurement range.
• Crest factor 6
Urms or Irms exceeds 130% of the measurement range.
Upk or Ipk exceeds approximately 600% of the currently set measurement range.
• Crest factor 6A
Urms or Irms exceeds 260% of the measurement range.
Upk or Ipk exceeds approximately 600% of the currently set measurement range.
On the WT332E/WT333E, when any of the equipped input elements meets any of the above
conditions, the measurement range is increased.
Range Decrease
The range is decreased when all of the following conditions are met.
• Crest factor 3
• Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 30% of the measurement range.
• Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 125% of the next lower measurement range.
• Upk or Ipk is less than or equal to 300% of the next lower measurement range.
• Crest factor 6 or 6A
• Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 30% of the measurement range.
• Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 125% of the next lower measurement range.
• Upk or Ipk is less than or equal to 600% of the next lower measurement range.
On the WT332E/WT333E, when all the input elements meet all the above conditions, the
measurement range is decreased.
When the auto range feature is enabled and an irregular pulse waveform is applied, a steady range may not
be maintained. If this occurs, specify a fixed range.
2.3 Setting the Measurement Range When Using Direct Input