IM 04P01B01-17E
Status Information
Status Information and Filter
The following figure illustrates the status information and filter on the recorder.
Status information
Condition register
4 bytes
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
• When a status indicated on the following page is entered, the corresponding bit in the
condition register is set to “1.” The logical AND of the condition register and the filter
becomes the status information.
• The IF command can be used to set the filter.
• The IS command is used to output the status information. Status information 1 and 2
are cleared when they are output. Status information 3 and 4 are not cleared when it
is output, and remains at “1” while the event is occurring.
• When multiple connections are up, filters can be specified for the individual
connection. Therefore, the status information can be held for each connection.
Chapter 6 Status Information