IM 04P01B01-17E
Overview of the Communication Functions
Other Functions
• Login Function
Only users that are registered in advance can access the Setting/Measurement and
Maintenance/Test servers.
• Users are identified by their user name and password.
• You can register one administrator and six users.
Administrator privileges
The administrator can use all the functions on the Setting/Measurement and
Maintenance/Test servers
User Privileges
• Setting/Measurement server
Users can output measured data, setup data, scheduled printing, and the most
recent TLOG computation data. Users cannot control the recorder.
• Maintenance/Test server
Users cannot disconnect communications between the recorder and other PCs.
All other operations are allowed.
• There is a maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be established
with the recorder.
<Related Topics>
• Login function settings: Section 2.5
• Maximum number of simultaneous connections: Section 2.1
• Commands available to the administrator and users: Section 4.2
• Communication Timeout
This function drops the connection with the PC if there is no data transmission for a
given time at the application level (see “Functional Construction”). For example, this
function prevents a PC from being connected to the recorder indefinitely which would
prohibit other users from making new connections for data transfer.
<Related Topics>
• Communication timeout setting: Section 2.6
• Keepalive
This function drops the connection if there is no response to the inspection packet that
is periodically transmitted at the TCP level.
<Related Topics>
• Keepalive setting: Section 2.6
1.1 Communication Functions Using the Ethernet Interface (/C7 Option)