5- Checking Before the Gear Unit or Geared Motor is Installed
If your gearbox is with motor , please also refer to the manual of the motor
Before you install the gearbox you have to be sure that the gearbox is arrived with
the all necessary equipment and without damage. Things to take into consideration
before you start to install the unit;
- You have received the correct operation manual of the your product.
- The gearbox and all its parts are transported without damage.
- The gearbox is stored correctly according the instructions in this manual
- You have the latest product catalogue or you have access to internet.
5.1- Transportation
When the goods arrive, first check for any damage. If some damage observed,
immediately contact the transport company and inform about the damage. Contact
YILMAZ for the damage and do not start to install the unit until it is agreed that the
damage has no affect of operation.
Use the upper foot connection holes for lifting up the gear unit by using eyebolts. The
eyebolts should be capable to carry the weight of gearboxes. Do not hang additional
loads on the gearbox while lifting. Use suitable hoisting equipment which is capable
to hold the gear units weight. Refer to the catalogue for various types weights. If the
gearbox is delivered with steel carrying construction use the construction holes for
lifting the gear unit. See drawing bellow for hoisting point.
Do not stay beneath / under the lifting / hoisting equipment which may cause serious
injuries by falling down objects, accidentally movements, unexpected accidents.
Falling or hard movement can damage the gear unit.
Only use hoisting and securing equipment which is permitted for the size / weight of
your gearbox. Ensure that the load is slowly and carefully handled and placed.
Operating Instructions
H Series