4.7 Safety Function
(3) Resetting the HWBB State
By receiving a servo ON command again after both /HWBB1 and /HWBB2 signals are turned ON, the SER-
VOPACK returns to normal operation status. Refer to the manual of the connected option module for details
on servo ON/OFF commands.
To return to normal operation status:
If a servo ON command has been sent while the SERVOPACK is in the HWBB status,
1. Turn on both /HWBB1 and /HWBB2 signals.
2. Send any command other than a servo ON command, such as a servo OFF command, to change the status
of the SERVOPACK from a hard wire base block (HWBB) to a base block (BB).
3. Resend a servo ON command.
Note: Even if the linear servomotor power is turned OFF by turning OFF the main circuit power, the HWBB status is
retained until a servo OFF command is input.
(4) Error Detection in HWBB Signal
If only the /HWBB1 or /HWBB2 signal is input, an A.Eb1 alarm (Safety Function Signal Input Timing Error)
will occur unless the other signal is input within 10 seconds. This makes it possible to detect failures, such as
disconnection of the HWBB signals.
Motor power state
Not applied
(Normal operation)
Requests motor
current shutoff.)
Reference from
option module
[Servo ON command]
HWBB state
BB state
• The A.Eb1 alarm (Safety Function Signal Input Timing Error) is not related to the safety function. Keep this
in mind in the system design.