Reference Manual
TF Series
- 84 -
Warnings and error messages
Item Already Exists. Replace it?
Displayed when you are about to store (overwrite) a Library.
File Already Exists, Replace it?
When using Save As, the name of the file you tried to save was the
same name as an existing file.
Displayed when you are about to save (overwrite) data.
Exceed Maximum Number!
Library A:XXXX items, Library B:XXXX
The Library exceeds the maximum number of items and cannot be
File System is Not Ready. This
Operation can Overwrite Existing Files
or Directories.
You tried to start recording immediately after connecting a USB storage
device (i.e., while a list was being generated). You tried to change the
name of a file or directory.
Over Current Error! This USB Device is
Not Supported. Please Disconnect.
The USB device was disconnected because overcurrent was detected in
the USB connection.
Tio OUTPUT is in Use by Another TF.
"with OUTPUT" in Quick Config is
Turned off.
The OUTPUT of the Tio1608-D is already in use by a console using
Quick Config, therefore the "with OUTPUT" in Quick Config was turned
off for this console.
Operation Failed!
An error occurred during the operation. (This is a general error.)
Less severe than "Unknown".
(Between "Unknown" and "Ignore".)
Invalid Name!
Name violates naming convention.
Operation Ignored.
The feature assigned to the knob was not operated. The operation had
no effect.
This message refers to Tips operations for User Defined Knobs.
This message is displayed when the feature assigned to a User Defined
Knob cannot be operated.
SCENE #XX is Empty!
No data is stored in the Scene you tried to recall, or the data is
SCENE #XX is Read Only!
You tried to overwrite a Scene that is write-protected.
Cannot Store!
Could not save the data in the Scene memory or in the Library.
Cannot Recall!
Could not recall the data from the Scene memory or from the Library.
Operation Failed. Library X Memory
You tried to add data when the memory was full.
A or B will be entered into X.
Wrong Word Clock! (Slot)
The sample rate setting of the NY64-D is incorrect, therefore it cannot
sync with the console.
Turn Off 1-knob Mode to Adjust.
1-knob mode is enabled; turn 1-knob mode off.
Nothing to Paste!
You tried to paste data when the copy buffer was empty.
Cannot Bookmark This Screen.
You tried to bookmark a screen that cannot be bookmarked.
Page Does not Exist.
Cannot Close This Popup.
Not Bookmarked.
The item is not bookmarked.
File Busy! Operation Denied.
The operation could not be performed because the USB memory was
being accessed.
Unsupported File Format!
You tried to read an unsupported file format from the USB memory.
Storage Not Found!
The USB memory could not be recognized.
Couldn't Write File.
The file could not be saved to the USB memory.
File Protected!
Could not overwrite the file on the USB memory because the file is
Already Exists!
The name of the directory you tried to create matches the name of an
existing directory.
This message may also be displayed when editing a file or directory
Couldn't Access File.
Could not access the file on the USB memory for some reason.
File Error!
An internal file access error occurred.
Format Error!
An error occurred during formatting.
USB Storage Unmounted! Recorder
Recording stopped because the USB memory was removed during
USB Storage Full! Recorder Stopped.
Recording stopped because the USB memory became full during
Maximum Number of Audio Files
The number of files supported by the USB recorder was exceeded.
USB Storage Busy: Recorder Stopped!
Recording or playback stopped because time is required for a USB
storage device process.
Illegal Storage Format! Format USB
Device with the Other USB Port.
A USB memory device with an allocation unit size under 4096 bytes
was connected. If you record in this situation, the format may become
Low Battery!
The backup battery's voltage is low.
Illegal IP Address!
The IP address setting or gateway setting is incorrect.
USB Sample Rate Mismatch on USB.
The same rates of the console and the computer that is connected to
the USB TO HOST connector are different. (Console: 44.1 kHz, PC; 48
Set the sample rate of the computer to 44.1 kHz.
USB Sample Rate Mismatch on USB.
The same rates of the console and the computer that is connected to
the USB TO HOST connector are different. (Console: 48kHz, PC;
Set the sample rate of the computer to 48kHz.
Two or More Devices Have Same Unit
Two or more devices connected to the NY64-D via the Dante network
have the same UNIT ID.
Dante Module Error!
An error occurred with the Dante module of the NY64-D or Tio1608-D.
Illegal Dante Module MAC Address!
The MAC address of the NY64-D is damaged and communication is not
Dante Module Memory Error!
An memory error occurred with the Dante module of the Tio1608-D.
Dante Audio Resource Overflow
An excessive amount of audio data was sent over the Dante network
connected to the NY64-D.