verely worn bearings, there will be play even
though the wheel is locked in position.
c. Spin the wheel and listen for excessive wheel
bearing noise. Grinding or catching noises in-
dicate worn bearings.
d. If either bearing is worn or damage, replace
both wheel bearings as a set. Refer to the hub
disassembly procedures later in this chapter.
If the brake lever is applied while the
calipers are off the front wheel, both
calipers must be disassembled to re
seat the caliper pistons, and the
brakes must be bled. A wooden block
between the brake lever and the han
dlebar prevents the accidental appli
cation of the brakes.
3. Insert a wooden block between the brake lever
and the handlebar grip. Use a rubber band to hold
the block in place.
4. Remove a brake caliper as follows:
a. Remove the brake hose holder bolt (
) and release the brake hose holder from the
reflector bracket.
b. Remove the caliper mounting bolts (
) from the caliper.
c. Rotate the caliper off the brake disc. Use a
stiff wire or bunjee cord to suspend the cali-
per from the motorcycle.
d. Wrap a shop rag around the caliper so the
front fender will not be scratched. Secure the
rag with a zip tie or rubber band.
5. Repeat Step 4 for the other front brake caliper.
Since the full size front fender on
XVS1100A models wraps low over the
front wheel, the motorcycle must be
raised very high to remove the wheel
with the fender installed. Unless you
have a jack that can safely provide the
necessary clearance, remove the front
fender before removing the front
6. On XVS1100A models, remove the front fender
as described in Chapter Fourteen.
7. Loosen the clamp bolt (A,
Figure 18
) in the right
fork slider.
8. Loosen the front axle (B,
Figure 18
) and pull the
axle from the right side.
9. Roll the wheel from between the fork legs.
Watch for the collar (A,
Figure 19
) on each side of
the hub.
Do not lay a wheel on the brake disc.
The disc could be scratched or bent.
10. If the wheel must be set down on its side, place
wooden blocks (
Figure 2
) beneath the tire.
11. Inspect the wheel as described earlier in this