For Service Engineer
Service Information
SI1604009E-002= S20, S10, M20, M10 and D10 installation procedures
The effect on the feeder exchange carriage
The feeder exchange carriage cannot be set to the machine
When the feeder exchange carriage is clamped, the caster of the carriage does not touch
the floor
The material and the load capacity of the floor
Make sure that the material and the load capacity of the floor meet the specification.
[From the specification]
Floor load capacity: Refer to the delivery specification
Give the information on the machine (e.g. weight, size) to the experts who is familiar with the
installation site, and ask them if the floor is durable to the machine, the area required for installing
the machine, the position of the adjuster bolts and so on.
The floor condition of the installation site
It should be flat and impervious to the vibration during machine operation.
The floor should be made of concrete or other material as hard as concrete.
Avoid installing the machine on the wooden floor, the floor for office use or grating.
If the floor of the installation site is not made of concrete, reinforce the position on the floor where the legs of
the machine are placed. Consult with the experts who are familiar with the installation site.
When using the feeder exchange carriages
When setting the feeder exchange carriage to the front and to the rear side of the machine, the
flatness of the floor (including the space under the machine) should fall within 10mm.
The floors that tend to cause problems
The following floors tend to cause problems. Make sure to confirm with the customer
about the material of their floor before carrying in the machine.
Plastic tile floor
→ It tends to break when the machine is carried in or during the marking.
Antistatic mat
→ The machine tends to get caught by the mat while being carried, or cause the
vibration of the machine or the machine getting out of alignment after installation.
Make sure to contact the customer if the floor is applied with the special coating.
Feeder exchange carriage
The base part of the feeder exchange
carriage interferes with the machine and
cannot be set to the machine.
Feeder exchange carriage is set to the machine
Feeder exchange carriage is clamped
When the feeder exchange carriage is clamped, the caster does not
touch the floor. Due to this, the machine vibrates during operation.