Location planning
Work out the best places to locate the devices for maximum protection. Having chosen
the locations
do not mount at this stage
Home and away mode planning
The home arming mode allows the premises to
be part armed so that no one can get inside
without warning the occupier, yet the person
already inside the house can move freely without
triggering the alarm. For example the downstairs
of a house can be armed while upstairs can be
disarmed allowing the user to go to bed without
causing an alarm.
If this feature is to be used, then it should
be planned now, before installation.
Decide what areas can be occupied when in
home arming mode, the sensors for these areas
should be programmed to home omit; and the
sensors activated on the path to access the
control unit should be to be set to home delay as
explained in ‘Further programming’ (page 16).
This mode is best used with additional PIR and
Door/Window contact accessories.
Operating range
All devices must be within 30 metres of the
control unit and must not be mounted on or near
large metal objects. Avoid obvious sources of
electrical interference such as fridges and
microwave ovens.
Tamper switches
When mounting devices ensure that any
tamper switches close fully. On uneven surfaces it
may be necessary to place packing behind the
switch for reliable operation.
Extend the system
Extend the system in the future to increase
your security or as your needs change.
For example, add extra PIR detectors and extra
door/window contacts.
Help button accessory
The help button provides extra protection
for you and your family. When help is needed
the button can activate your alarm
immediately - even when the system is
• Mount on bedroom wall or by the front
• Not clearly visible to an intruder
• Easily accessible
• Out of reach of children
• Not outdoors
Keypad remote control accessory
When used as second keypad, it is ideal
in bedrooms or at the top of a stairwell so
the ground floor can be armed when going
to bed for the night. Or, at a side or back
door for alternative entry.
• Mount at chest height for ease of use
• Designed for indoor use only
• Keypad should be accessible from a
protected entry/exit point
• Ensure that the keypad is not visible from
the outside of the premises.