Trouble shooting
Siren does not respond to arming and disarming
• Siren batteries are completely exhausted.
Check the siren batteries by removing siren
cover, if there is no tamper alarm when
removed, replace the batteries with new
alkaline equivalents.
• Siren not learnt-in. If the siren produces a
tamper alarm when the cover is removed and
siren is OK, learn-in the siren.
Siren produces a 3-second alarm when disarmed
• There has been a previous alarm and there
might be an intruder on the premises
Siren produces an interrupted tone when
sounding an alarm
• The siren has low batteries. Change batteries
with new alkaline replacements.
Siren will not learn-in
• No detectors are learnt-in. Learn-in a detector
first. The siren will not learn-in into a control
unit without a previously learnt-in detector.
PIR does not respond to movement
• Previous movement has triggered the PIR
sleep timer and is preventing subsequent
movement detection. Vacate protected room
for at least 1.5 minutes before walk testing.
PIR is slow to respond
• This is normal, the PIR has sophisticated false
alarm filtering that will filter out random
fluctuations and responds to genuine
movement across field of view, it is less
sensitive walking directly towards it.
PIR gives false alarms
• Check pets have no access to protected area.
• Check that the PIR is not pointed at sources of
heat or moving objects e.g. fluttering curtains.
• Check that the PIR is not mounted above
convector heaters or pointing directly at
• Check that the PIR location is insect free, e.g. a
spider in a web across the lens, or a large moth
flying near the PIR can trigger an alarm.
PIR LED flashes when the jumper is in the normal
• Batteries are low or the tamper switch is
disturbed. Check that the tamper spring is
making contact with the base. If the tamper
switch is OK, change batteries with new
alkaline replacements.
PIR does not respond to movement when jumper
is in test position
Batteries are completely exhausted. Change
batteries with new alkaline replacements, LED
will flash for 30 seconds while components
Door contact
Door contact LED flashes when the jumper is in
the normal position
• Batteries are low or the tamper switch is
disturbed. Check that the tamper spring is
making contact with the mounting surface. If
the tamper switch is OK, change batteries with
new alkaline replacements.
Door contact does not respond to door opening
when jumper is in test position
• Batteries are completely exhausted. Change
batteries with new alkaline replacements.
• The magnet is too far away from the the door
contact. Check that the gap between door
contact and magnet is not greater than 8mm.
Control unit
Control unit beeps periodically
• There is a system problem; to check press a
key on the control unit and the display will
show the nature of the fault.
The control unit display is blank without any
• This is normal, the control unit is in power
saving mode to conserve the batteries where it
is constantly scanning the system for events
and alarms.
The control unit will not respond to key presses
• Batteries are completely exhausted. Change
batteries with new alkaline replacements.
The control unit beeps when a key is pressed, but
the display stays blank
• The wrong code has been entered 4 times and
the control unit is protecting itself against
unauthorised access by ignoring key presses
for 1 minute.