FW: 841013-005/843003-001
Turbidity and Suspended Solids Transmitter
EN 5.10 SuSix Manual 2007
Operating Principles
The SuSix
transmitter is an instrument for measuring turbidity and sus-
pended solids. The transmitter consists of a sensor, a converter and a
display unit.
Operating principles
The SuSix
sensor uses a patented 6-channel, multi-beam, pulsed infra-
red light system providing a single sensor for both turbidity and suspend-
ed solids measurement. The turbidity measurement complies with ISO
standard 7027.
The advanced optical system is combined with a patented progressive al-
gorithm using neural logic to generate a reliable high quality measurement.
All of the optical systems within the transmitter is fitted with automatic
self-diagnostics that ensure accurate measurements. The optical algorithm
compensates for errors due to fouling or aging of the optical array, and
an additional feature is a system that compensates for gas bubbles in the
sample media.
Sensor with wiper Effect of wiper
Physical fouling of the sensor head can be eliminated by an optional sen-
sor wiper system (see pictures above).