Aquavar IPC Start-Up Genie
This setup allows configuration of up to 2 setpoints.
• Number of set points: Select the number of setpoints used in the application. If
multiple setpoints are used, the setpoint can be selected by the state of DI 33.
• Setpoint 1: This is the target value for the control loop. If multiple setpoints are
enabled, active when DI 33 = open.
• Setpoint 2: This is the target value for the control loop. If multiple setpoints are
enabled, active when DI 33 = closed.
This setup allows configuration of up to 2 setpoints.
• Flow Compensation: Adjusts the setpoint based on speed/flow to compensate
for system head loss.
• Is the speed at the design point known?: Enable the Work Point Calculation
if the speed at the design point is known. This information is most commonly
known in closed loop circulating systems
• Square Linear Curve Approximation: Adjusts shape of control curve.
0% = straight line. 100% = maximum parabola.
• Speed at Design Point: Set the motor speed in Hz at which System Design
Working Point is achieved.
• Speed at No Flow: Set the motor speed in Hz at which flow is zero and
minimum pressure is achieved.