Aquavar IPC Start-Up Genie
• At No Flow Speed: Set the pressure value corresponding to speed at no flow.
• Pressure at Rated Speed: Set the pressure value corresponding to pressure at
rated speed.
• Flow at Rated Speed: Set the flow value corresponding to flow at rated speed.
• Flow at Design Point: Set the flow value corresponding to flow at design point
• Dual Pump Value Increase: Defines the increase in setpoint when a lag pump
starts. This value is entered as a % of the Maximum Reference
This setup configures Sleep Mode, Flow Check, No Water/Loss of Prime and Pump Protect functions.
• Sleep Mode: Sleep Mode allows the pump to stop when a no flow condition is
detected. A no flow condition means that the setpoint has been satisfied and the
pump is running at the sleep frequency.
• Minimum/Sleep Frequency: Enter the minimum limit for the motor speed.
The motor speed low limit can be set to correspond with the minimum output
frequency of the motor shaft. The Motor Speed Low Limit must not exceed the
Motor Frequency.
• Sleep Delay: The sleep delay time is the time the pump must stay at the sleep
frequency before going to sleep.
• Restart Difference 1: Set the difference between setpoint #1 and actual at
which the system must exit sleep mode. Value is set as a % of setpoint #1.
• Restart Difference 2: Set the difference between setpoint #2 and actual at
which the system must exit sleep mode. Value is set as a % of setpoint #2.