Operation Manual
Preventive Maintenance
Comply with 50-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 250-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Replace air filter
Replace fuel filters
Check engine hoses and connections for leaks,
damage, and tightness
Check radiator hoses for leaks, damage, and tightness
Check electrical cables, leads, and connections for
damage and tightness
Check specific gravity of engine coolant
Replace transmission fluid and filters
Replace hydraulic reservoir air breather
Replace hydraulic return line filters
Replace hydraulic high-pressure filters
After Every 500 Hours of Operation
Comply with 50-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 250-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 500-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Change wheel-end oil
Change differential oil
Inspect boom chains
After Every 1,000 Hours of Operation
Comply with 50-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 250-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 500-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Comply with 1000-Hour Maintenance Requirements
Change hydraulic fluid
Clean or replace hydraulic reservoir strainer
After Every 2,000 Hours of Operation
Drain and flush cooling system
After Every 4,000 Hours of Operation