Technical Support US: 888-443-2751
Technical Support INTL: 316-943-2751
- The Power Supply rectifies line voltage to 24 VDC, and supplies power to the HMC, cooling
fans, and fire suppression
- Is a Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) relay, which is an electrically operated switch, an
electromagnet is used to operate a switching mechanism. Voltage is supplied from TS1-9R to AN-
SUL agent box. Once the fire alarm is activated voltage returns to TS1-10 over to HMC P8. That
same voltage continues to R1-1 activating the coil in the relay, causing the contacts in the relay to
switch from NC to NO. This will switch 24 VDC from terminal 6 to terminal 5 on the VFD caus-
ing the M1 to operate at 60Hz.
- Is a SPDT time delay relay, which is an electrically operated switch, an electromagnet is used
to operate a switching mechanism. Voltage continues from R1-6 to R2 via the red wire activating
the coil in the relay, causing the contacts in the relay to switch from NC to NO after one second
has expired. This action delays the application of the voltage on terminal 5 on the VFD.
REC 1, 2, & 3
- These are electrical receptacles, which supply line voltage for the ovens. Each
receptacle should have a 20A dedicated breaker supplied from the buildings electrical panel. Line
voltage to each receptacle is supplied via HMC P3. If the fire alarm is activated P3 will disrupt line
voltage being supplied to receptacles shutting the oven(s) off.
REC 4, 5, & 6
- These are circular electrical receptacles mounted on the back of the hood. The
SRC connects into these. This deactivates the main power button located on the oven and relocates
the operation of it to the HUI. This capacitive touch (NO) button is located on the front of the hood
and controls the lights.
TS 1 & 2
- These are terminal strips, that serve as a connection point for wires.
1) CN2- 24VDC
1) +24 VDC Power To HMC
2) +24 VDC Power to Fire Suppression
3) +24 VDC Power to Cooling Fans
4) -24 VDC Power To HMC
5) -24 VDC Ground
6) Not Used
2) CN1- Line Voltage
1) Neutral
2) Not Used
3) Line Voltage