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Technical Support INTL: 316-943-2751
Part 2:
- Circuit Breakers are used to protect electrical components. If a CB is tripped, eliminate the
cause and press the front to reset.
The Hood Machine Control is a printed circuit board that has all the relays to con-
trol these functions; oven activation SRC, MUA activation, VFD activation, monitors the air prov-
ing switches, and lighting activation. The HMC receives a continuous 24 VDC power source pro-
vided the CB1 breaker is on. This component also has independent relays to control oven power
for fire suppression. If a signal from the fire system is received the oven(s) and lighting power is
discontinued and the VFD will run at full speed. For a World installation, sail switch monitoring is
available just by answering some questions through factory mode programming. The HMC will
also program the PowerFlex 4M VFD each time the CB1 breaker is turned on. ModBus communi-
cation is used to change the frequency the VFD runs at depending on the number of ovens used.
Error messages will appear on the screen to help with troubleshooting. The screen will flash and
beep indicating a error has occurred, the alarm button can cancel this for two (2) hours. If error has
not been fixed beeping will return. The HMC has filter cleaning reminders available.
1) P1- Dampers
1) MUA Top
2) Not Used
3) MU A Middle
4) Not Used
5) MUA Bottom
6) Common
2) P3- Oven Power
1) Bottom Oven L1
2) Not Used
3) Bottom Oven L2/N
4) Not Used
5) Middle Oven L1
6) Not Used
7) Middle Oven L2/N
8) Not Used
9) Top Oven L1
10) Not Used
11) Top Oven L2/N
12) Not Used
3) P7-Lights/Cooling Fans
1) By Installer
2) Light 1
3) Light 2
4) To PS CN2-3
5) +24 VDC To Cool-
ing Fan
6) +24 VDC To Cool-
ing Fan
4) P8- Fire Suppression
1) To TS1-10L
2) To R1-1
3) Not Used
4) Not Used
5) Not Used
5) P9- Power
1) +24 VDC Power
Supply CN2-1
2) -24 VDC Power
Supply CN2-4
6) P10- Switch Relocation
1) Bottom Oven
2) Bottom Oven
3) Middle Oven
4) Middle Oven
5) Top Oven
6) Top Oven
7) Not Used
7) P13- APS Ex
1) TS2-4R
2) TS2-5R
8) P15- VFD
1) TB2
2) TB1
3) Not Used
9) P20- APS MUA
1) TS2-3R
2) TS2-2R
3) TS2-1R
10) P25- Cable to HUI
1) Black
2) Orange
3) White
4) Red