3. Authentication
The machine has a unique Authentication feature that restricts the ability to use
This chapter contains information for System Administrators and general users on
the features used to change the settings and on the setting procedures.
3.1. Overview of Authentication
This section is an overview of the Authentication feature used with the machine.
3.1.1. Users Controlled by Authentication
The following is an explanation about the different user types that are controlled by
the Authentication feature.
Users are classified into the following four types. The Authentication feature restricts
operations according to the user type.
• The System Administrator (Machine Administrator)
• Authenticated Users (with System Administrator Privileges)
• Authenticated Users (with no System Administrator)
• Unauthenticated Users
The System Administrator (Machine Administrator)
The System Administrator uses a special user ID called System Administrator ID
(default of 11111).
Only The System Administrator is able to change the System Administrator ID
(default of 11111), and the System Administrator Passcode (default of x-admin).
Also, the System Administrator uses settings related to Security Features and
services that are restricted, the user must enter the System Administrator ID and
System Administrator Passcode on the authentication screen.
Authenticated Users (with System Administrator Privileges)
These are users who are assigned the System Administrator privileges.
When this type of user uses settings related to Security Features and services that
are restricted, the user must enter their User ID and user Passcode on the
authentication screen.
Authenticated Users
(with No System Administrator)
These are users who are assigned no System Administrator privileges.
When this type of user uses services that are restricted, the user must enter their
user ID and user Passcode on the authentication screen.
Unauthenticated Users
These are users who are not registered with the machine.
An Unauthenticated User cannot use services that are restricted.
3.1.2. Local Machine Authentication
This machine is used set to Local Machine Authentication mode.
Local Machine Authentication uses the user information registered for the
Accounting feature to manage authentication. You need, therefore, to enable the