You can use the Remote Services option to send error and usage information to the Xerox support team to help
them resolve problems quickly.
For information about enabling Remote Services and uploading information to Xerox, refer to the
Administrator Guide
E A S Y A S S I S T ( X E A ) A P P
Xerox Easy Assist app allows you to access and configure the printer from your smartphone. To access the printer
from your smartphone, download and install the Xerox Easy Assist app on your mobile device. By installing the
Xerox Easy Assist app on your smartphone, you can setup your new printer easily, manage its configuration, view
alerts indicating supply requirements and order them, and get live troubleshooting support for your printer.
To install the Xerox Easy Assist app on your smartphone, you need to scan a QR Code or search the app in the Apple
App Store or Google Play Store. There are two types of XEA QR Codes:
• QR Code to acquire the XEA app: This QR Code is for the first initial installation of the app. To install the Xerox
Easy Assist app for the first time, you are required to scan this QR Code using your smartphone camera. You can
find this QR Code on the packaging box or the
Installation Guide
that comes with the printer. Check the
following locations for the XEA QR Code:
Printer packaging box
Installation Guide
Device Install Wizard
Help materials
For more information, refer to
Prior to Installing the Printer: Initial Setup with Xerox
• QR Code to connect the mobile device to printer: This QR Code is to setup a Wireless network connection
between the smartphone and the printer. For example, connection to Wi-Fi Direct. You can find this QR Code at
the printer control panel or in the device Install Wizard. The QR Code provides all key information to connect
your smartphone and the printer without manually entering any technical information. To connect to the
printer, scan this QR Code within the Xerox Easy Assist app. For more information, refer to
Installation: Connecting to the Xerox
Easy Assist App from the Control Panel
Primary features of Xerox Easy Assist app, are:
SSeett U
Upp aa N
w PPrriinntteerr
If you have the QR Code or IP Address available, you can set up a new Xerox printer with the help of Xerox Easy
Assist app. On My Printers screen in the app, touch the ++ icon, then touch SSeett U
Upp aa N
w PPrriinntteerr. Follow the
instructions from the app.
For more information, refer to
Adding Multiple Printers to the Xerox Easy Assist App
PPrriinntteerr SSttaattuuss
The status displays the printer information, such as readiness of the printer, toner level, and paper tray status for
each tray. You can order parts and supplies through the Xerox Easy Assist app. If the toner level appears to be
low, to order a new toner, select the TToonneerr icon, then touch RReeoorrddeerr.
C8130/C8135/C8145/C8155/C8170 Series Color Multifunction Printer User Guide