After Initial Installation: Connecting to the Xerox
Easy Assist App from the Control Panel
For a printer that is already installed and does not require initial installation setup, to use the features of the XEA
app, connect the printer to Xerox Easy Assist app. By accessing Xerox Easy Assist (XEA) app through your
smartphone, you can setup additional printers, manage its configuration, view alerts indicating supply requirements
and order them, and get live troubleshooting support for your printer. You can find the QR Code and connect to the
XEA app from the printer control panel:
At the control panel Home screen, touch D
From Device options, touch the icon for XXeerrooxx EEaassyy A
Assssiisstt A
The Xerox Easy Assist App screen appears, with a display of main features Setup, Manage, Print.
Select from the following options:
• G
Geett SSttaarrtteedd: Select this option to connect and add the printer to the XEA app.
• C
Clloossee: Select this option to return to the Device screen.
To add the printer to the app, touch G
Geett SSttaarrtteedd.
Get the App screen appears on the printer control panel.
Touch any one option:
• B
Baacckk: To return to the initial XEA app screen, select this option.
• II H
Haavvee tthhee A
Apppp: When you have the XEA app installed on your smartphone, select this option.
• A
Annddrrooiidd: To install the XEA app from Google Play Store, select this option.
• iiO
OSS: To install the XEA app from Apple App Store, select this option.
If you have the XEA app installed on your smartphone already, then touch II H
Haavvee tthhee A
Connect to Xerox Easy Assist Mobile App screen appears with a QR Code.
To connect the printer to the app, scan the QR Code through the XEA app, then follow the instructions that
appear on your smartphone and the control panel.
To view the Wireless network information, touch M
Maannuuaall EEnnttrryy. The Wi-Fi Direct information appear on the
control panel touchscreen. To connect the printer to the app, you can type the Wi-Fi Direct information
manually on the XEA app.
Note: If the printer and mobile device cannot communicate, ensure that they are on the same network.
To return to the Connect to Xerox Easy Assist Mobile App screen, touch C
To return to the Xerox Easy Assist App main screen, touch B
Adding Multiple Printers to the Xerox Easy Assist App
If your printer is already set up on your network and the Initial Setup Wizard is complete, through the XEA app, you
can include additional printers directly to the list of My Printers. To add printers that are on the network, open the
XEA app Home page. On the My Printers screen, touch the ++ icon, then refer to the following options:
C8130/C8135/C8145/C8155/C8170 Series Color Multifunction Printer User Guide