Select the required printing options from the lists in the Print dialog box.
Note: To see all printing options, click SShhoow
w D
Click PPrreesseettss >> SSaavvee C
Cuurrrreenntt SSeettttiinnggss aass PPrreesseett.
Type a name for the printing options. To save the set of options in the Presets list, click O
To print using these options, select the name from the Presets list.
U N I X , L I N U X , A N D A S / 4 0 0 P R I N T I N G
To provide printer spooling and network print server functionality, UNIX-based printing uses LPD/LPR port 515 or lp
to port 9100. Xerox printers can communicate using either protocol.
Printer Manager
Printer Manager is an application that allows you to manage and print to multiple printers in UNIX and
Linux environments.
Printer Manager allows you to:
• Configure and check the status of network connected printers.
• Set up a printer on your network and monitor the operation of the printer once installed.
• Perform maintenance checks and view supplies status at any time.
• Provide a common look and feel across the many different suppliers of UNIX and Linux operating systems.
Installing Xerox
Printer Manager
Before you begin, ensure that you have root or superuser privileges to install Xerox
Printer Manager.
To install Xerox
Printer Manager:
Download the appropriate package for your operating system. To locate print drivers for your printer, go to
. The files available are:
• XeroxOSDPkg-AIXpowerpc-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.rpm for the IBM PowerPC family.
• XeroxOSDPkg-HPUXia64-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.depot.gz to support HP Itanium workstations.
• XeroxOfficev5Pkg-Linuxi686-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.rpm to support RPM-based 32-bit Linux environments.
• XeroxOfficev5Pkg-Linuxi686-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.deb to support Debian-based 32-bit Linux environments.
• XeroxOfficev5Pkg-Linuxx86_64-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.rpm to support RPM-based 64-bit Linux environments.
• XeroxOfficev5Pkg-Linuxx86_64-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.deb to support Debian-based 64-bit Linux environments.
• XeroxOSDPkg-SunOSi386-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.pkg.gz for Sun Solaris x86 systems.
• XeroxOSDPkg-SunOSsparc-x.xx.xxx.xxxx.pkg.gz for Sun Solaris SPARC systems.
C8130/C8135/C8145/C8155/C8170 Series Color Multifunction Printer User Guide