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Before you begin:
• Ensure that Web services are installed on the server where you want to store scanned images.
Examples of Web servers include Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Apache. Note
the IP address or host name of the server.
• For HTTPS, ensure that your Web server is installed with a secure certificate.
• Create a user account with read and write access, and with a password. The printer uses the
account to access the scanned image repository folder. When you use the fax feature, the printer
logs in to the account, transfers the file to the server or computer, then logs out. Note the user
account and password.
• At the root level, create a shared folder for the scanned images. Note the directory path, user
name, and password. This folder is your file repository.
• Note any run script that is required.
To set up scanning to an HTTPS server:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press
If you do not know the IP address of your printer, refer to
2. In Xerox
Internet Services, click
Address Book
3. To add a contact to the address book manually, click
Manually Add a Contact
If either Add or Manually Add a Contact is unavailable, the address book is full. For
address book limits, refer to
4. Type the contact information.
5. To mark a contact as a Favorite, for the favorite type, click the Star icon.
6. To associate a scan destination with the contact, for Scan To Destination, click the Plus
7. For Nickname, type a name. This field is required.
8. From the Protocol menu, select
To specify the server address, for Address Type, select
IPv4 Address
, or
Host Name
Type the appropriately formatted address and port number of your server. The default port is
To verify that a digital certificate is installed on the printer, for HTTPS, click
View Trusted SSL
In the Script path and filename field, type the path to the CGI script, starting at the root. For
To download working example scripts, click
Get Example Scripts
9. For Document Path, type the path of the shared folder.
10. For Login Name, to access the shared folder on the computer, type the user name. The printer
uses this login name to access the shared folder. This field is required.
For Password and Retype Password, type and confirm the password.
B1025 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide