X - R i t e e X a c t ™ I n s t r u m e n t
Available patch types are as follows:
: a substrate and non printed patch.
: a single ink printed at 100%.
: a patch of two inks printed at 100% one on top the other. The ink order
determines which ink is down first.
: a single ink printed with screening.
Gray Balance
: a patch with C. M, Y process inks printed at different tint values in order to
recreate a gray patch (or match a neutral print density patch = a black tint).
Function Icon
Any function activated for the job appears on this screen. This allows you to select an
individual function directly instead swiping through a list of functions on the main
measurement screen.
Tap the Function icon to access the Select a Function screen. Active functions for the selected
patch appear.
Color Icon
This icon is used to select, to what patch type the next measurement(s) shall be assigned.
Tap the Color icon and select Auto Patch or manually select a patch.
Auto Patch: If this is selected, the automatic patch recognition is activated for the next
Manual selection: If a patch type is manually selected from the list, the next measurement(s)
get assigned to the selected patch type. The Auto Patch check box is automatically
deactivated when a patch is selected. Once auto patch is off, it will remain off until the
checkbox is selected again.