X - R i t e e X a c t ™ I n s t r u m e n t
General Information
The Auto Patch tool allows you to perform various density and color measurements without
standards, by using the automatic patch recognition for CMYK jobs.
Measurement screen icons for the Auto Patch tool appear cyan in color.
All measurement results will be absolute only (no deltas, no pass/fail, etc).
The instrument will detect the type of patch and learn as each measurement is taken. The
instrument will only auto-detect process colors (C, M, Y, K). Below is the list of patch types
supported by the Auto Patch Tool.
- Paper
- 4 solids (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
- 3 Overprints (CY, CM, MY) (order depending on Ink order settings under color settings, affect
which ink goes down first)
- 1-3 tint patches per solid (depending on the TVI function setting under function settings)
- 1-3 Gray Balance patches (depending on the Gray Balance setting under function settings)
Tap the Auto Patch Tool icon
to access the measurement screen.
Patch Recognition
A paper measurement followed by solid patch measurements must be performed first for proper
patch recognition to occur. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for additional information on
patch recognition.