programming mode, continue to dial 241 9#, continue to dial 242 1#, on-hook after
hearing the prompt tone.
6.9 Call authority management of extension
The call authority management of an extension includes the following aspects:
Outgoing call level
20 sets cannot dial the prefix and 20 sets can dial the prefix
Roaming account
Ignore outgoing levels, internal levels and blacklist/whitelist restrictions
after logging in.
Outgoing call time termination
Limits the maximum outgoing call duration on this extension port.
Internal call level
The permission of extension talk to other extension.
Example 1:
Maintain the outgoing level of 8000 as international, and change the
outgoing level of other extensions to internal.
Step 1: Set the outgoing level of all extensions to internal first.
The programming host extension off-hook, then dial *#99 6666# into
Instruction: 322 Q K#
Change the level of outgoing office call of extension number Q.
Q is the extension number with 1-5 digits. When Q is omitted, the
instruction indicates the batch setting of all extension ports.
K = 0 means international, 1 means domestic, 2 means local, 3 means
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