3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
The ventilation port is located next to the control box. This port can be connected to a standard 6” HVAC duct
line vented to the outside of the building. For longer duct lines to the outside of the building; or if local build-
ing codes require roof top ventilation, inline duct boosters may be used.
It is recommended that the ventilation system duct line be professionally installed in compliance with all
local building codes to ensure the safety of all shop personnel.
Ventilation Open:
When the ventilation is open more hot air
is released, which means less hot air in the
chamber. This type of airflow is normally
used for water based and discharge inks.
The ventilation system needs to be open
because the evaporative chemicals from
the garments need to be released.
The ventilation system is capable of being adjusted to control the hot airflow. The hot airflow
interacts with the heating panels and affects how the garments are cured. The two major
settings are open and closed, everything in-between is a variation of either open or closed.
Ventilation Closed:
When the ventilation is closed less hot air is
released, which means more hot air in the
chamber. The hot air in the chamber helps
the dryer reach a specific temperature.
More hot air also means that the panels run
less, making it more cost effective. This is
more like convection type heat and is
typically used for standard plastisol inks.