Operation Manual 37107F
MFR 3 - Multi Function Relay
Page 78/165
© Woodward
Three-Position Controller (Setting THREESTEP)
dead band 00.0V
V controller: dead band
[1] 0.1 to 15.0 V; [4] 0.5 to 60.0 V
Isolated operation
The generator voltage set point is controlled in such a manner,
that in a steady state, the actual value does not deviate from the gene-
rator voltage set point by more than the configured dead band value.
The generator voltage is controlled in such a manner , that in its
steady state, the differential voltage does not exceed the configured
dead band value. The mains or busbar frequency is used as the set
point value.
time pulse>000ms
V controller: minimum ON period
20 to 250 ms
The minimum ON period of the relay should be selected in such a manner that the
voltage regulator responds reliably to the control pulse. The time configured here
determines the length of the control pulse. The smallest possible time must be con-
figured in order to ensure optimum control behavior.
gain.Kp 00.0
V controller: gain
0.1 to 99.9
The gain factor K
indicates the voltage controller gain. By increasing the gain fac-
tor, the response is increased to permit larger corrections to the variable to be con-
trolled. The farther out of tolerance the process is the larger the response action is
to return the process to the tolerance band. If the gain is configured too high, the
result is excessive overshoot/undershoot of the desired value.