• Status* of genset and breakers
*) This easYgen control model has no mains states and so no mains status screen
3rd screen includes:
• Speed, engine temperature, engine oil pressure, fuel level, auxiliary analog 1,
auxiliary analog 2, battery voltage, charger voltage, accumulated run time,
accumulated start times, user’s total run time A, user’s total run time B.
• If connected with an J1939 engine via CANBUS port only: coolant pressure,
coolant level, fuel temperature, fuel pressure, inlet temperature, exhaust
temperature, turbo pressure, fuel consumption, total fuel consumption and so on.
(Different engine with different parameters)
4th screen includes:
• Phase voltage, line voltage, frequency, phase sequence
5th screen includes:
• Current, active power (positive and negative), total active power (positive and
negative), reactive power (positive and negative), total reactive power (positive and
negative), apparent power, total apparent power,
• power factor (positive and negative), average power factor (positive and negative),
• accumulated energy,
• earth current,
• total electric energy A and B.
Fig. 9:
Power Factor
Active power
Reactive power
4 Configuration HMI Screens Without Password Level