Encryption Cipher
Select the encryption cipher from Blowfish to AES in Pull-down menus.
Hash Algorithm
Hash algorithm provides a method of quick access to data, including SHA1,
SHA256, SHA512, and MD5
Default: Enable
Select enable or disable the ping-timer-rem, this function is to prevent
unnecessary restart at server/client when the network fails.
Default: Enable
Select enable or disable the persist-tun, enable this function will keep
tun(layer 3) device linkup after Keepalive timeout.
Default: Enable
Select enable or disable the persist-key, enable this function will keep the key
first use if VPN restart after Keepalive timeout.
LZO Compression
Default: Disable
Select use LZO Compression or not, this function compresses data to decrease
the traffic, but also need more CPU effort.
Default: Enable
Select enable or disable Keepalive function, this function is used to detect the
status of the connection.
Ping Interval
Input the ping interval, the range can from 1~99999 seconds.
Retry Timeout
Input the retry timeout, the range can from 1~99999 seconds.
Input the tunnel IP addresses that VPN use.
Input the route IP and MASK. This is the target IP domain that user can access
through the VPN tunnel.
Save Log File
Click Save to keep the VPN Server Log.
to apply the configuration
OpenVPN User Settings
This is extended setting of OpenVPN Server and applied in 1 Server to N Clients OpenVPN connectivity.
You can add User Name settings in this page. Add User Name, Password and Confirm Password, Remote Network and
Netmask and click “Submit”. Then you can see the User Name database in below column.