821016: AMPx-E8 Series User Guide
© 2011 Wohler Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6
Setup Menu
Phase Bits
Phase Bits
For units with SDI de-embedder cards installed, there is a new menu
item available, entitled Phase Bts, which stands for phase bits. These are
bits that are embedded in SDI streams that allow the audio sample rate
to be independent of the video pixel clock, and they are required by the
latest SMPTE standards. However, not all equipment implements these
bits correctly. Normally, this menu item should be left in the Ena
(enabled) setting, which means the phase bits are being used to
properly time the audio samples that are being de-embedded.
If you experience interrupted or garbled audio from the SDI
deembedder, try setting this to Ignor (ignore), which means the
embedded phase words are ignored. If this fixes the garbled audio,
please contact the manufacturer of the upstream equipment to
determine if any firmware updates are available for it. In cases where
phase bits are not embedded at all, or if this menu item is set to Ignor,
the pixel clock will be used as the reference for the de-embedded audio
sample rate.