second here the
parity as EVEN, ODD, NONE
then the
stop bits as 1STOPBIT, 2STOPBITS
next is the
data bits as 7DATABITS, 8DATABITS
Syntax for OPTIONS is: baudrate parity stopbit databit
(or baudrate,parity,stopbit,databit)
We offer to test the settings with 9600 baud speed rate first, then if it is communicating fluently
with your connected device, then you can try further data speed rates.
At bottom of the settings, there is an Add button, where you can add more ports for the RS485
configuration. Save the configured settings by the
Save & Apply
4.10 Periodic ping and Periodic reboot settings
For matching the industrial standard requirements, you can define an time interval for periodic daily
restart of the router if you want in the Services menu / Periodic Reboot item.
If you want to use periodic ping as checking an IP address or remote server, device as checking its
availability by the router if you want to use this service by accessing from the Services menu /
Periodic Ping item.
Save the configured settings by the
Save & Apply