W5500S2E-S1 serial to Ethernet module
W5500S2E-S1 user manual
Figure 7-3 Basic information page
Product Information
Device Type: factory default is W5500S2E-S1, cannot be modified.
Device Name: name of module, the factory default is W5500S2E-S1 and it could be
changed from the advanced setting page
Firmware Version: shows the firmware version
Serial number: the last 3 parts of the serial number will be equal to the last 6 characters of
the MAC address of the module
Temperature: Shows 0
c degree, reserved function
Run Time: W5500S2E-S1’s operation time. Unit: seconds
Serial Rx: Shows the bytes of data received at the serial interface
Serial Tx: Shows the bytes of data sent from the serial interface
Network Information
DHCP: on/off; Shows the DHCP mode is it active, default: off *
IP Address: Shows the current IP address, default: *
Subnet: Shows the current subnet mask, default: *
Gateway: Shows the current gateway, default: *
DNS Server: Shows the current DNS address, default: *
Socket Information
Mode: Shows the operating mode, default: TCP Server *
Local Port: Shows the local port, default: 5000 *
Remote Host: Shows the Remote Host IP address, default: *
Remote Port: Shows the Remote Host Port number, default: 5000 *
UART Information
Baud Rate: Shows the baud rate, default: 115200 *
Date Bit: Shows the data bit, default: 8 *
Parity: Shows the parity bit, default: NONE *
Stop Bit: Shows the stop bit, default: 1 *
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