Translation of the original operation manual
First read, then start
Remember that 2K-Units work under extreme pressure and that high levels of spray-
ing pressure are created!
Never hold your finger or hand in front of the gun and never reach into the spray!
Never point the spray gun* towards yourself, other people or other living creatures!
Always pay close attention to the references and specifications found in the user‘s
Before each usage, be especially certain to:
Check the grounding conditions (for the unit and the object to be sprayed).
Check the seal of all connecting and mounted parts.
Observe the maximal allowed pressure of the unit and accessory parts.
Before beginning any work on the equipment and at any pause during operation, be
absolutely required to:
Stop the unit.
Release the pressure found in the spraying gun and hose.
Secure the spraying gun.
Pay attention to safety!
The accident prevention regulation “Handling of Coating Materials” (Unfallverhütungs-
vorschriften „Verarbeiten von Beschichtungsstoffen“ (BGR 500, Kap. 2.29)) and the
guidelines covering fluid sprayers (Richtlinien für Flüssigkeitsstrahler ZH1/406) from the
German Employer’s Liability Insurance Association are to be observed without fail. To
ensure a safe operating environment, the condition of fluid sprayers must be inspected
by an expert every 12 months or sooner, if deemed necessary. A written record of the
inspection results is to be kept.
Remaining paint and solvent are to be disposed of according to legal regulations. This
also applies for environmentally friendly water lacquer or enamel systems!
In case of injuries, consult a physician or go to the next hospital without delay.
If paint/material or solvent has gone into the skin, the physician has to be informed about
the type of paint/material or the solvent applied.
Therefore, always ensure that the product specification sheet, with address and tele-
phone number of the manufacturer, is at your disposal!
Connecting equipment provided by the operator
When there is equipment not included in the delivery, but which is necessary for the
proper use of the unit, it is the responsibility of the
to install this equipment
before the initial start-up.
This equipment is also listed in the description of the operational procedures and marked
with an asterisk (*) .