WPS-100-NVR-4IP Installation Manual
Pg. 21
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8- Assign Cameras to Channels of the NVR
While the cameras are IP and appear on a local network, there may be cameras on the network that will not be viewed by
the NVR (for example, a stand-alone camera intended to be monitored, but not recorded) . Assigning cameras to the NVR is
required in order to view, control and record them from the NVR GUI.
A. Open NVR Camera Settings
A.1- Select Config Button in the upper right hand corner of the Main NVR Interface.
A.2- Select NVR Settings in the left side menu.
A.3- Select the Camera Tab, and set Camera to 1
B. Assign Camera Address Manually
B.1- Select
next to Camera Setup.
B.2- Select the Mode to use for the camera address, Normal-Standard IP (Wirepath IP Camera or Encoder), or RTSP
(non Wirepath RTSP IP cameras).
While Wirepath IP Cameras/Encoders are RTSP capable, Normal-Standard mode should be used when connecting
to a Wirepath NVR as many capabilities are lost in RTSP mode (like Motion sensing for example). RTSP should
only be used when integrating existing third party devices that are otherwise not compatible with the NVR.
B.3- Enter the IP address, Port, User, and Password for the camera.
B.4- Select Connect to confirm the settings and assign the camera to the channel.
C. Assign Camera Address via Quick Search
C.1- Select the Quick Search button
to view a list of connected Wirepath™ IP Cameras and Encoders.
Non Wirepath™ cameras connected to the network will not appear in the list.
C.2- Select the IP address of the camera in the list to assign to channel 1.
C.3- Select Connect to assign the camera to the channel.
D. Repeat Steps A to C for all NVR channels and the cameras that will be assigned.