Pressure control valve
The pressure control valve (001) has different functions to control the flow and the
pressure in the fuel rail.
Relief valve
The relief valve (002) is a safety device. If the fuel pressure increases to more than the
set value, the relief valve opens.
Flow limiting valve
The flow limiting valves (003) (FLV, not for X82, X92, RT-flex, and related DF engines)
installed on the fuel rail supply fuel to the related injection valves with the adjusted
quantity of fuel.
Injection control unit
The injection control units (003) (ICU, for X82, X92, RT-flex, and related DF engines)
installed on the fuel rail supply fuel to the related injection valves with the adjusted
quantity of fuel.
Injection valve
The injection valves (006) supply the fuel into the combustion chamber as a spray.
Operation Manual
Fuel system
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
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Issue 002 2020-08