Change-over related to fuel sharing mode
If the engine has the optional fuel sharing mode, the liquid fuel in use can be HFO or MDO.
You have to set the value for the ratio of liquid fuel to gas in the RCS.
Related to fuel sharing mode the conditions that follow are possible:
Liquid fuel to fuel sharing
The change-over from liquid fuel to fuel sharing has the limits that follow:
The engine load must be in the range of 50% to 80% of CMCR.
You only can start the procedure manually.
Related to the conditions the procedure takes approximately one to two minutes.
The ECS does some tests. If the tests are satisfactory the ECS slowly changes
from diesel mode to fuel sharing mode.
Gas to fuel sharing
The change-over from gas to fuel sharing has the limits that follow:
The engine load must be in the range of 50% to 100% of CMCR.
You only can start the procedure manually.
The ECS slowly changes from gas mode to fuel sharing mode. First the liquid fuel
is always MDO. Then you manually can change-over to HFO, if necessary.
Fuel sharing to liquid fuel
The change-over from fuel sharing to liquid fuel has the limits that follow:
The engine load is in the range of 50% to 100% of CMCR.
If the engine load decreases to less than 50%, the ECS sends an alarm. If you do
not increase the load to more than 50% in a specified period, the ECS
automatically changes to diesel mode.
You also can start the procedure manually.
The ECS slowly changes from fuel sharing mode to liquid fuel.
Fuel sharing to gas
The change-over from fuel sharing to gas has the limits that follow:
The engine load is in the range of 50% to 100% of CMCR.
The liquid fuel that is in operation must be MDO.
If the engine load decreases to less than 50%, the ECS sends an alarm. If you do
not increase the load to more than 50% in a specified period, the ECS
automatically changes to diesel mode.
You only can start the procedure manually.
The ECS slowly changes from fuel sharing mode to gas.
The period for the change-over of these procedures is related to the selected ratio of
liquid fuel to gas.
Operation Manual
Change-over to and from gas - general
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 461 -
Issue 002 2020-08