For the Installer
2.2 System
2.2.1 Area of use
For heating buildings acc. to EN 12831.
The boilers are designed and approved as heat generators for hot water heating systems with a permissible flow
temperatures of up to 90°C. They may be installed only in sealed systems. The max. boiler temperature for the
LogWIN is limited in the factory to 80 °C.
The resulting flow temperature depends on the relevant operating status and the line losses to the system.
2.2.2 Standards
The following European standard should be followed: EN 12828, this specifies that the following should be fitted:
a) A closed expansion tank.
b) A reliably functioning safety valve (with max. 3 bar reaction pressure) installed at the highest point of the boiler
or at a non-closable line.
c) A thermometer, a pressure gauge.
d) An automatic device for dissipating heat which will prevent the maximum water temperature in the boiler of
110°C from being exceeded. The built-in thermal safety device (heat exchanger) should always be used with
the thermal discharge safeguard.
e) A low-water cut-off: A low-water cut-off is not required for systems providing up to 300 kW nominal thermal
output, if it can be ensured that a lack of water in the system will not result in excess heating.
If the boiler is above the radiators, then a low-water cut-off must be installed.
2.2.3 Accumulator tank
The installation of a buffer tank is required by the following standards / laws:
– EN 303-5
– 1st Federal Immission Control Ordinance (Germany)
– Art. 15a of the Small Combustion Devices Agreement (Austria)
– Air Protection Ordinance (Switzerland)
Having a correctly sized accumulator tank is essential for correct operation of a wood-fired heating system. The
fuel must always be selected and the heat load of the building calculated. Heating characteristics (e.g. bringing
the hot water tank up to temperature in summer) and the system configuration (ground and/or radiator heating
circuits) should also be taken into consideration.
Rooms that are not heated at times (guest rooms, living areas only used at weekends, etc.) must be
subtracted from the c
alculated heat load (QH) for the accumulator tank configuration!
Recommended accumulator tank content
Wood gasification
Boiler model
Recommended accumulator tank content:
LogWIN Klassik
LWK 180 – 300
2000 l
Refer to planning documents for how to calculate the minimum buffer tank volume.