About the Printer
The TH420 is a low-cost, high-efficiency, point-of-sale (POS) printer that
boasts the smallest footprint of any hybrid printer. It features fast
monochrome or two-color receipt printing plus a drop in validation print
station. The TH420 provides maximum flexibility, performance, and
It consists of two specialized printers in one compact package: a two-color
thermal printer on top that prints receipts, and an impact slip printer to print
on forms and checks that you insert.
The TH420 fits easily in spaces where no other hybrid printer can and
connects to most host computers via the Dual 9-pin /USB interface or 25-pin
RS-232 interface or Powered USB.
Front cover
Slip of check
Re ceipt cover
Pa per feed but ton
On-line, Pa per
Sta tus, Er ror light
Ex ten ded slip table
Slip- in LED (green)