Section SDSĆ548Ć6LNĆ204
030Ć101328 Rev. A
Loopback (After Alignment)
Upon entering loopback after alignment, STC sends tones, one at a time, to INTELIPORT. Record level of each tone as it is
looped back by INTELIPORT.
Loopback is equipped with an automatic timeĆout feature that releases loopback 20 minutes after activation. INTELIPORT
returns to idle. If release is desired before the 20Ćminute time frame, send 2713 Hz (0.9 sec, min.). INTELIPORT returns
to command mode. Remove and reĆsend 2713 Hz tone (0.9 sec, min.) to return to idle.
Loopback (From Idle State)
Send 2713 Hz for ore than two sec. but less than 30 sec. Upon entering loopback, INTELIPORT returns a one second alterĆ
nating tone of 1014 Hz/414 Hz, identifying the unit accessed as Westell's SDS5486LN, Issue 3. NOTE: At this point, if 2713
Hz is removed in less than 30 seconds, INTELIPORT enters loopback. If 2713 Hz is applied for more than 30 seconds,
INTELIPORT enters command mode.
XMT OUT Level Adjust Mode
Upon completing alignment, the STC can adjust the XMT OUT level for any level from +7dBm to Ć16dBm (TLP), 0.5 dB
increments. STC can monitor the XMT OUT port to verify the change in the output level. While in command mode, send
1704 Hz to enter XMT OUT Level Adjust mode. Once activated,
To add Gain
: send and remove 2222 Hz. INTELIPORT reĆadjusts output level by adding 0.5 dB of gains. If more gain is
required, repeat the process of sending and removing 2222 Hz until desired output level is obtained. INTELIPORT reĆ
adjusts the output level by 0.5 dB each time 2222 Hz is detected and removed.
To add Loss
: Send and remove 2111 Hz. INTELIPORT reĆadjusts output level by adding 0.5 dB of loss. If more loss is
required, repeat the process of sending and removing 2111 Hz until desired output level is obtained. INTELIPORT reĆ
adjusts the output level by 0.5 dB each time 2111 Hz is detected and removed.
To Set Level For Ć16 dBm
: send and remove 2333 Hz. INTELIPORT reĆadjusts output level to Ć16 dBm.
Upon completion, STC must send 2713 Hz (0.9 sec, min.) to return to command mode. A second 2713 Hz tone causes
INTELIPORT to return to idle.
: XMT OUT Level Adjust mode is equipped with a 5Ćminute automatic timeĆout feature that releases if no tone is sent
within 5 minute time frame. INTELIPORT returns to idle.
Transponder Mode (TLP/DLP)
From command mode, send 804Hz to access TLP Transponder or 1304 Hz, INTELIPORT applies quiet termination over
the XMT IN port and sets a 20Ćminute timer. During quiet termination, STC performs noise measurements at the RCV OUT
While in quiet termination, the STC initiates the transponder mode by sending any tone from 300 Hz to 3200 Hz (except
2700 Hz), in 100 Hz increments. INTELIPORT returns similar tone (TLP or DLP) at a 10 Hz offĆset for same duration tone is
Upon completion and if no other tone is sent, INTELIPORT reapplies quiet termination and resets the timer circuit. If no
tone is sent within the 20Ćminute time frame, INTELIPORT, after 20 minutes, drops out of the transponder mode and returns
to idle. If release is desired before the 20Ćminute time frame, send 2713 Hz for 0.9 seconds, minimum. INTELIPORT REĆ
TURNS TO COMMAND MODE. A second 2713 Hz tone causes INTELIPORT to return to idle.
Table 6. Testing and Alignment Procedures (Continued)