System operation
StockSAVER manual - Software version 2.1
The following checks are made on the material Description:
If the Description is empty or comprises only spaces, the data set will be considered to be
The Description must be all on one line
Spaces at the beginning and the end will be removed during import
6.11.3 XML export of Material movements
The XML export of Material movements exports every change in stock levels to an XML file. As
a rule, the withdrawal or replenisment of a bin in a Location constitutes a change. A
corresponding entry is also exported if the configuration is altered (e.g. changes to bus
In addition to the individual Material movements, the current stock levels of all of the
configured Locations are also always exported, regardless of whether any material
movement has taken place since the last export.
The following must be observed:
The export takes place at the time intervals specified by the user.
However, the export can be delayed by various error and performance factors in certain
circumstances. Therefore, a specific transfer rate or reaction rate cannot be guaranteed.
All Material movements that have not been transmitted before the export commences
are included in each export.
The first export after activation of the Interface Service will not include any Material
movements. Only the current Location statuses will be exported.
If multiple postings are present for the same Location, they will not be combined.
If the Part number in a Location is changed, stock with the previous Part number will be
withdrawn first internally and be replaced by stock with the new Part. The corresponding
entries are exported to the XML export file.
If the Bin quantity (piecess per Bin) in a Location is changed, an entry with the changed
Bin quantity will be exported.
If a Location is deleted or the bus allocation is cancelled, an entry is exported with the
quantity 0 and without stock limits.
WERMA StockSAVER cannot carry out postings for Locations to which no material is
assigned. This means that no data can be exported for these Locations. The same applies
to Locations for which the bus cabling is not defined.
File description
The XML file is always generated with all of the defined attributes and elements.
The specified data types correspond to the SQL server data types of the relevant fields.
For optimum compatibility, we recommend using data types with the same or larger
value ranges in interfaces.
The number of attributes and elements may change in future updates of WERMA