System operation
StockSAVER manual - Software version 2.1
For optimal availability, we recommend the following:
The import files should be provided on a server local drive, not on a network drive.
The export directory should be located on a server local drive.
An exception for the import, archive and export directory must be configured in the virus
scanner to ensure that the files are not fully scanned during every import and export.
The Interface Service is installed under the Windows user account "Network service" and
requires reading, writing and deleting rights for the directories.
XML import of Material Master data sets
The automatic import of Material Master data sets can be used to reconcile the Material
Master data in WERMA StockSAVER with data sets from other applications.
During the import process, the Part number is checked to determine whether it is already
available in WERMA StockSAVER. If itl is already in the system, the existing master data set will
be updated in accordance with the data provided. If the material is not in the system, then a
new master data set will be created.
The following must be observed with regard to the import feature:
If a Part number has been deleted and is re-imported via XML, a new Part number will be
created in the database.
If an XML file contains a Part number multiple times, the material will also be updated
multiple times. The last processed data entry for the Part number overwrites the data that
was imported with the previous data entries.
The import takes place at the time intervals specified by the user.
However, the import can be delayed by various error and performance factors in certain
circumstances. Therefore, a specific transfer rate or reaction rate cannot be guaranteed.
The import file must include at least one Part number. Otherwise, the file will be processed
as faulty.
File description
The specified data types correspond to the SQL server data types of the relevant fields.
In interfaces, we recommend using data types with the same or a lower range of values,
to ensure optimum compatibility.
The number of attributes and elements may change in future updates of
WERMAStockSAVER; the Interface Service determines which format it has to process
based on the transmitted version number (see Description of Elements and Attributes)